Boyer Lisa
Flags: flexpage,
Library Agenda by Weeks
Announcments for DMS Library have been relocated to the Accessit Library app from your Launchpad.
Students will be reintroduced to the Library Procedures. In addition, they will be given tips on utilizing our new library program, Accessit, to its full potential. An exit ticket will check their understanding of the discussion elements. Students, please click on the link below to complete and submit your exit ticket
Students will be introduced to Women in History to celebrate Women's History Month using Discovery Education Resources. After viewing the information on Discovery Education, click on the link below to complete your assignment with a 321 activity.
1/31/22 - 2/4/22 (Completed)
Students will be given instruction on preparing a Bibliographic List on a subject of their choice. After instruction is given on the importance of citations and correct format, students will be required to complete a correct bibliographic citation of a random library book utilizing the link below.
1/24/22 - 1/28/22 (Completed)
This week, students played a Bingo style game called Library Lingo to practice library terminology. Prizes were awarded to each winner of the various rounds. This will conclude our Library Terminology lessons. Moving forward, students will learn the importance of citations and their function in a Bibliography. Utilizing a subject of their choosing, students will prepare a bibliography of various works listing them in bibliographic format.
1/4/22 - 1/14/22 (Completed)
This week we will begin a review of Library terms and book arrangement in the library. This is a necessary skill moving through the education system. Students will study with quizlet and practice utilizing Gimkit during scheduled library classes.
IN ADDITION: Students can use the link provided here to practice for the LEAP test. LEAP PRACTICE
12/6/21 - 12/10/21 (Completed)
This week will end our World War II research unit. Students will complete a product to show what they have learned about the topic during the weeks of research. Projects will be student choice with teacher guidelines.
11/8/21 - 11/19/21 (Completed)
Work will begin on Steps 3 & 4 of the Research Process. This includes location of sources to use in answering guiding questions. We will discuss the proper way to complete a Works Cited Page and the proper way to take notes from the various sources.